Meihua is the first Front–end Web Development project that I did at IronHack Bootcamp. It was surprisingly impressive to see what I could do after a week of JavaScript classes, and I had a week to design and develop the MVP.
My role
- Brand Strategy
- Wireflow
- Visual Design
- Front–end Development
Tools & Technologies
- Sketch
- HTML5 & CSS3/Flex & Grid
- JavaScript
- JSON Files
- Local Storage
- Git & GitHub
- Transform the ideas into viable solutions to implement toward the code.
- Using the Local Storage to simulate a data base.
- HTTP requests with Ajax.
- Work with Test–driven development methodology.
- Use JavaScript and do not die trying.
- Write and use JavaScript code with good practices.
- Make calls to an API and select what I want from them.
- Using the DOM to implement HTML and CSS with JavaScript.
- Work with Test–driven development methodology.